The Church, Slavery, and Racism
Join members of GPC's racial justice ministry to discuss the complex and maddening history of Christianity on the issues of slavery and racism.
The conversation is open to all with a curious mind and open heart. Click here for the Zoom link.
Meeting ID: 223 344 9012
Passcode: 4q4f7V
Tuesday, February 11
7:30 PM - on Zoom
racial justice open conversation
craft group
The group knits and crochets to fulfill requests, including hats for the Prison Ministry, prayer shawls, and prayer squares for local service organizations. Contact Barb Clark to join.
12:15 PM - Lindsay Hall
sunday, February 9
Saturday, January 4
The program this month will be “Adventures in Antarctica.” Carol Anderson and David Mecklenburg will share photos and experiences from their recent trip to this southernmost, frozen, and fifth largest continent. Join us for fellowship, prayer, and a hot breakfast. Questions? Contact Ted Farrand (call the church office).
Craft Group
The group continues knitting and
crocheting to support requests. The group has been requested to knit or crochet hats for the Prison
Ministry in addition to prayer shawls and prayer squares by local service organizations. You can help, too – just let Barbara Clark know by emailing
12:15 PM - Lindsay Hall
sunday, January 5
sunday, january 5
un-deck the halls
We'll take all the stuff down. Put it carefully away. And then have a cup of cocoa or coffee. There may be a Christmas cookie or two.
8:00 AM – Lindsay Hall
Following the 11:00 service - Fellowship Hall
sunday, august 11
The sunday morning group
Sundays at 8:15 am in Room 33 and on Zoom. Join the group as they study Richard J. Foster's Celebration of Discipline. For the Zoom link please email Steve Olin at
8:15 AM service - Room 33 and on Zoom
MONDAY, march 4
WEDNESDAY, march 6
All men and women are welcome to join us for Christian fellowship, prayer, a light continental breakfast, and a short program. Mike Pratt’s presentation is entitled “Can You Photograph the Holy Spirit?” Questions? Contact Ted Farrand (call the church office).
8:00 AM - Lindsay Hall
men's breakfast group
Sunday, March 3
The group continues knitting and crocheting to support the requests for prayer shawls, knitted hats, scarves, mittens, and prayer squares by local service organizations. You can help too!
12:15 PM - Lindsay Hall
craft group
All welcome. Please join us for a few moments to say hello or stay the whole time. Never been before? We'll be glad to see you!
10:30 AM - Zoom
Saturday, march 2
The Wednesday evening group is doing a 9-session Hebrews study (the study started January 31).
7:30 PM - Google Meet
Join the WGTS 91.9 Christian Music team in the parking lot of GPC for a day of fun and connection, with the chance to
meet some of your favorite WGTS friends, be lifted up in prayer, and pick up some
free goodies and prizes!
WGTS 91.9 Sticker Stop
Wednesday, October 11
Tuesday, October 17
Monday, October 9
Sunday, October 15
Hosted by “East Gaithersburg United.”
Join in virtual workshops, presentations, and Q & A. Learn about “Greener Options around the Home” from Leslie Wallace-Lanham. Register here.
1:00 PM - Online
A Special Virtual Environmental Forum
!0 AM–6 PM - GPC North Parking Lot
Sunday, October 8
the book, How to be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi.
8:15 AM - Room 33 or Zoom
Sunday Morning Adult Class
discussion of Heather White’s book, One Green Thing: Discover Your Hidden Power to Help
Save the Planet.
9:30 AM - Room 30/31
Creation Care Class
Meet others who are also new to the congregation, ask questions of the staff, and get to know other church leaders.
Following 11:00 Service
Newcomer Welcome Reception
All welcome. Please join us for a few moments to say hello or stay the whole time. Never been before? We'll be glad to see you!
10:30 AM - Zoom
The Wednesday evening group is welcoming new members as we begin a new book. We will study Joshua with the Discover Bible books available from Faith Alive.
7:30 PM- Google Meet
JOshua Bible Study
5:30 PM- Vocal Choir
Children's Choirs
6:00 PM- Chimes and Bells
Featuring Symphony in C major (George Bizet), Overture in C (Fanny Hensel–Mendelssohn), and Sinfonia in C major (Marianna Martines). There is no charge to attend the concert, but donations are always gratefully accepted.
6:30 PM - Sanctuary
Montgomery Philharmonic Concert