We worship in person at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. The 11:00 service is also livestreamed and recorded.
We celebrate communion at both services on the first Sunday of the month. The communion elements are served in sealed, pre-packaged containers. Guests are welcome to take communion.
Masks are optional.
610 S. Frederick Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Children are always welcome in worship and the very young ones are invited to sit in the “prayground,” a large, colorful play area with quiet toys. They may remain there throughout the service, or may go to the nursery or Sunday School following the Children’s Message.
Our paid nursery staff is experienced and dedicated, and has been background checked.
That’s a great question because we have lots of doors at 610 S. Frederick Avenue!
During the week, the doors are locked and visitors need to use the intercom entry buzzer next to the main doors at the north end of the church.
On Sunday morning, the doors of the church are unlocked. At the south end of the building, the doors at the top of the ramp lead directly to the Sanctuary. From the north end of the building, take the stairs or the elevator up one floor and follow the signs to the Sanctuary. Parking is available at both ends of the church.
Youth may worship with their families or sit together as a group in the Sanctuary. They may serve as worship leaders or join a musical ensemble. At 11:00 they have the opportunity for fellowship and study in Spencer Hall (on the lower level of the church).
We love this question! This website provides many answers, and you can always speak with a pastor or other staff member. There are choirs, classes, fellowship groups, and mission projects, all of which welcome new participants.
That is also a good question. Take your time. Watch online before visiting in person. There is no pressure to join the church or any group, but you are invited to do so at any time.