Today was a great day for us! First, we got a whole lot accomplished at the worksite. Saws were buzzing as long lengths of baseboard trim were being cut after much meticulous measuring; paint brushes were swishing as doors were painted and walls touched up; caulk guns were firing on all cylinders as the seemingly never-ending caulking needs were met; laundry room exterior and master bedroom interior doors were hung; and wall cabinets were installed in the laundry room.
You should have heard the cries of excitement when a big white delivery truck arrived around noon bearing the doors, a 5-piece kitchen countertop, and the bathroom and kitchen sinks! It was like the scene out of the musical “Music Man” when the Wells Fargo wagon arrived in town, minus the singing and dancing of course.
Later in the afternoon our homeowner, Miss Mary, was able to come to our worksite/her new home, to sit down and chat with us for a while. Her housing woes were detailed in the Day 2 Blog. Today we learned she not only had endured a housing tragedy, but also devastating personal tragedies. Through everything she has never lost hope for better days to come. She is an inspiration of faith, fortitude, and patience.
It was Lasagna night for dinner, which also included our special guests Christie and Jeremy from the Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance, and local dedicated volunteer Larry. After splurging on a dessert table featuring frosted brownies, homemade chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, homemade cherry and blueberry-topped cheesecake, and frozen strawberry squares (Barbara Clark’s recipe from our GPC cookbook) …we had a wonderful zoom visit with Pastor Mary Beth and Mary Wasik.
We were thrilled to catch up with both. Mary Wasik, who with her late husband Bob, very capably organized so many of our previous mission trips. We were able to sing an early Happy Birthday to Mary Beth, and a special song to Mary Wasik, entitled “Hello Mary” sung to the tune of Broadway favorite, “Hello Dolly.” Sadly, we didn’t record it. But picture in your mind’s eye, expressive hand gestures and a kick line. Let me just say, we rocked it!