Sharing justice is an odd phrase isn’t it?
Though as I have thought about it over the last couple of weeks the more sense it has made. Sharing justice is a practical exercising of the idea of stewardship or generosity. At it’s most basic… going back to Genesis 2… God created the world and lovingly fashioned humans and all the rest of creation to live in love with God and with each other.
That sounds a lot like sharing justice. How can we live in love? How can we care for each other if we are not sharing justice?
Simple ideas, but not necessarily easy ones.
I found a website with a tremendous number of books for children on various aspects of sharing justice and I’m going to share the links to two of the websites and links to a couple of read alouds:
Rebekah Gienapp
Childrens Library Lady
Read Alouds:
What Can a Citizen Do, Dave Eggers
Lillian’s Right to Vote, Jonah Winter
Love Is Powerful, Heather Dean Brewer
Malala’s Magic Pencil, Malala Yousafzai
Harvesting Hope, Kathleen Krull
I hope you and your children enjoy these books and can see how justice is shared in the stories.
Sharing justice, caring for others – simple things, done with great love.
-Traci Smith
© 2022 Gaithersburg presbyterian church